It’s been a busy year with the Greater Giving Resource Library!
Strategies, resources, infographics, success stories, and many more awesome posts have provided insight and inspiration into the world of non-profit fundraising. Below are just some of the most popular posts of 2017.
Fundraising Event Tips and Best Practices
This year the Greater Giving Resource Library offered several articles focused on topics about which fundraisers and event planners are most curious. Our venue series addressed booking questions concerning researching; and the photography series examined how to find a great event photographer and use your smartphone’s camera to capture your event’s best moments; while our menu series provided a recipe for a successful fundraising dinner. We also continued to tap into our vast fundraising knowledge to bring you articles focused on event night specifics and post event best practices. Here are some highlights:
Proxy Bidders For Your Live Auction
Simplifying the Donation Process
Importance of Contacting Info at a Fundraising eVent
Host a Golf Tournament without a Golf Course
Benefits of Event Planning Technology
Giving Guests Recognition they Deserve
10 Don’ts for Event Night
Rehearsals are Key for Event Night Success
Making the Most of Mobile Technology
Cleaning Up That Event Night Check-Out
Smart Signage
Revenue Enhancers
Picking Event Night Photographers
Setting Smart Fundraising Goals
Informative Graphics
Infographic contributions to the blog gave us helpful tips and interesting statistics that cover many aspects of the busy, complicated, fun world of event planning. Check out our “Auction Event Day Survival Kit” to see if you’re missing anything in your on-site kit. Or, check out the “Introduction to PCI Compliance” infographic where the details of data security are compiled into one easy to read graphic.
Reliable Resources
Having an archive of great resources on your side is always the best tool an event planner can have. In “Corporate Social Responsibility: Tools and Resources” we created a list of helpful links to all the most useful information we’ve found on our Twitter feed and in book lists.
Sponsorship Strategies
Strengthening relationships with current and new sponsors and examining the role they play within a nonprofit’s overall strategy was the focus for a six-part series we began this year, and will continue into 2018. In it we explored the value of sponsorships, developing your pitch, and the best strategies to make the relationship valuable to both the sponsor and your organization.
Client Spotlight Articles
At Greater Giving we are always amazed by the unique ideas our clients bring to the table, and this year we were excited to be able to share their success with our online community. A great example of this was an event produced by JDRF Lincoln and Greater Nebraska. Their strategy of putting the guest experience as their number one priority, and fully utilizing tools found in Greater Giving Event Software, helped them in the planning and execution of their event— culminating in phenomenal fundraising results.
Greater Giving Products
Insight into the benefits of the Greater Giving suite of products was also profiled on our blog. We examined Go Time’s and Auctionpay’s Check-in/Check-out processes; how important the placement of a “Donate Now” button is on your website; and how donors can purchase raffle and drink tickets from Storefront, along with tips and best practices for Online & Mobile Bidding.
Motivational Techniques
Successful fundraising takes tenacity and we turn to our clients for stories to motivate our community and provide the creative inspiration that keeps the “fun” in fundraising. A great example of this is a post we wrote about Ridgefield Academy’s wildly successful #GivingTuesday campaign. With great planning and an effective rallying cry to their community, they were able to raise more money in one day than ever before! They even created a great video to thank their donors which they can refer back to when promoting their next #GivingTuesday event.
In addition to support for the event itself, we also wanted to focus on articles that helped out the day to day life of an nonprofit. Here are just a few:
Post Auction Action Items
Restricted Vs. Unrestricted Funds
Clickable Subject Lines
Creating Positivity Within Organization
Sustaining Energy at Work
Attract Corporate Sponsors
Right Person for the Job
Dealing with Stress
Giving is Good for your Health
Affordable Non Profit Resources
Making a Big Impact with a Small Team
With all these great resources, strategies and client stories, the Greater Giving Resource Library has become a “go-to” resource for questions and inspiration for fundraisers. If you aren’t already, we invite you to become a subscriber to our blog. You’ll receive an email each time a new post is published and a monthly digest of the latest posts. You can also “Like” us on Facebook to see what we’re up to.