It’s time once again for a recap of the best articles about fundraising that we’ve published throughout 2022. We’re happy to share these with you and hope they help your organization raise more in 2023!
Fundraising Trends to Watch
In 2022, we saw a growing focus on donor retention. Donor satisfaction and experience are becoming increasingly important for nonprofits to focus on when raising money.
In 2023, keep an eye out for these trends:
Creating a Comprehensive Fundraising Plan for Your Nonprofit
A fundraising plan is a document that outlines the strategies you will use to raise money for your nonprofit. It should include a list of goals and timelines, along with specific strategies for achieving them and how much funding you expect each strategy to generate in revenue.
- Setting SMART Giving Goals
- Engage Donors and Raise More Money with Four Easy Actions
- Fundraising Technologies: 4 Key to Know for 2022
Critical Fundraising Metrics to Increase Donor Retention
If you feel like your nonprofit is falling behind in the fundraising game, it’s possible that you’re not measuring the right things. Take these metrics into consideration and make sure your organization is on track to increase donor retention and net more money.
- Donor Retention: Reasons to Keep Your Supporters Giving Year Round
The State of Nonprofit Fundraising 2022: What it Means for You
- Event Marketing KPI’s
Nonprofit Event Planning
A nonprofit event is one of the best ways to raise money. It can be a fun-filled, festive occasion where you educate attendees about your mission while they enjoy live music and beverages. Or maybe it’s a more serious fundraising gala that helps you raise thousands of dollars in one evening.
Regardless of your particular goals, planning an event takes time and energy—but it also brings great rewards! Here are some tips on how to plan an event that will help your nonprofit reach its fundraising goals:
- Elements of A Successful Fund-A-Need Appeal
- Why It Pays Off to Hire A Professional Benefit Auctioneer
Keys to a Successful Year-End Campaign
Your board members and staff can use these tips to help your nonprofit raise more money in the coming year.
- Unleash Generosity With An Amazing GivingTuesday Plan
- Marketing Your Giving Tuesday Campaign to get Donors Giving
- Light Up the Season With A Festival Of Trees Event
Make this the year you grow your fundraising.
We hope these articles have inspired you to start thinking about your own fundraising goals this year. If we’ve learned anything from the past, it’s that nonprofits are stronger when they look to the future and plan for success!