There are many questions when it comes to soliciting and packaging auction items—what should we solicit, how many do we need, are there packages that perform better than others, where do I find quality items…
We cover all these questions and more in the “What Everyone Should Know About Auction Items” infographic along with some great tips and package examples.
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» Download What Everyone Should Know About Auction Items in Printable PDF Layout.
More Resources
Package Examples
- Auction Item Ideas That Will Rock Your Event
- 15 Amazing Auction Packages
- Top School Auction Packages
- Auction Game Time: Dessert Dash
- NASCAR Driver for a day
- Ultimate Hamilton Experience
- Romantic Escape to Paris and Prague
- Guest Post: Make Money Out of Thin Air – Ultimate Fundraising Auction Items
Item Procurement
- Procure Smarter and Get the Most Out of Your Auction Items
- Procure Smarter for Online Auctions
- Host a Procurement Party for your Next Auction
- Year-Round Procurement
- How to Step Up Your Procurement Part I: Low Cost Items
- Step Up Your Item Procurement Part 2: Experiences of a Lifetime
- Give Procurement a Boost with Hot Items
- The Three Commandments of Soliciting Auction Items
Saying “No Thank You” to an action item? Yeah, for us smaller non-profits you won’t develop your “Community Development” portfolio doing that. I say always accept items and if you have to fit it in with something else, do it! Friend raising is important too and many people like to be involved. Didn’t anyone ever tell you to not look a gift horse in the mouth?
Sherrie – Thanks so much for expanding on this subject. I wanted to mention that the bullet point immediately after the one you are referring to states “…don’t say no too quickly. Be creative and think about how they might be used in a package, as a multi-sale, or even as décor.”
We understand that there are struggles with auction item procurement – many times regardless of size of the organization. We also realize that most individuals or companies that would like to get involved with the organization and are willing to donate items have the greatest of intentions. Sometimes organizations get into a situation where items may not fit well with an organization whether it’s due to a conflict of mission or simply that the item has a negative effect on the auction (e.g. slightly creepy, heavily used, etc.)
When donors give items for an auction, they expect to see those items on display at the event. We like to mention that if you know ahead of time that an item won’t be visible at the auction, it might be better to gratuitously thank them for their donation and let them know it may be used for a different fundraiser so their feelings aren’t hurt when they look and can’t find their item.
Thank you for the infographic…..is it available in a PDF form so I can print it, tape at my desk and share?