Turning Facebook Followers into Event Attendees – Part 1

From hearing about an event, all the way through to registration, your Facebook followers unknowingly begin traveling through a marketing process the moment they click on your event advertisement.

It’s a four-step process that has been carefully developed to “Capture, Nurture and Convert” followers, as well as encourage them to “Share” your message, transforming them from casual followers to passionate attendees.

Each step in the process is important, either moving the follower forward towards a commitment to attend your event, or adding another layer of promotion through your followers’ extended networks. Let’s break down the process and examine the tools that will boost your message’s effectiveness as it moves through each phase.

Down the Facebook Ad Marketing Funnel

Phase One: Capturing Attention

Bringing awareness to your event’s promotion is the first goal of a Facebook advertisement. Securing a placement on as many followers’ timelines as possible is the same as purchasing ad space on their favorite television show, and you don’t want to waste the opportunity with a mediocre ad. Your message must be viewed by the masses as enticing and informative, using compelling graphics and a message that will “hook” the viewer.

Creation Tools for Different Types of Advertising:

Create ads offer apps, videos, shopping, directions to the event, and an easy one-click step to get to your website. You can also set daily limits for pop-ups and choose the running length of your campaign.

Page Like ads is an easy-to-use tool to garner “Likes” for your event and your Facebook page. With Create ads you will boost awareness, choose a Facebook Page to promote, and build your ad.

Clicks to Website ads drive traffic to your site. Just enter the web page addresses, either your event page, registration page or website.

Event Response ads allow viewers to add your event to their calendar. They’ll receive reminders and you can track how many people responded to your invite.

Canvas ads link to the associated app to create engaging multimedia advertisements with a combination of videos, still images and call-to-action buttons. Viewers will be able to swipe through a carousel of images, tilt to view panoramic images, and zoom in to view images in detail.

Custom Audiences create ads for your established contacts. Simply copy and paste contacts, or import email addresses from MailChimp to send your ad directly through their Facebook accounts. Delineate your audience by name, location, and other specific info, then click the Audience field and choose the category you want to target.

Phase Two: Nurturing Potential Attendees

Nurturing a lead strengthens the commitment to follow through with registration. This can be done several ways and it’s best to employ a few different tactics, such as contests, videos and discounts, to attract a broad interest from a large number of people.

Nurturing Tools:

Facebook Timeline Contest from Agora Pulse produces contests that are loaded directly onto Facebook Timeline. You can create sweepstakes, quizzes, and photo contests to attract followers, or randomly pick winners from fans who have liked or commented on a post. And, it’s free!

Offer Claim ads create and distribute customer discounts and other special deals right to your followers’ timelines. You determine the length of your offer, who receives it, how many people can benefit from it, and more details.

Video Views are a great way to capture attention and motivate action. To create a video ad, simply choose “get video views” as the campaign objective, then upload your video and select a thumbnail version people will see between video plays.

Power Editor is a tool advertisers use to control their ads, ad sets, and campaigns. Select and edit multiple ads or move across several campaigns, all in one click.

Whew, that is a lot of information. You can read Part 2 of Turning Facebook Followers into Attendees here »

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