What’s New at Greater Giving
Here at Greater Giving, we strive to provide our clients with the most comprehensive and robust set of tools to help produce the best fundraising events out there.
Here’s a brief look into our latest round of improvements and features to help make your fundraising easier.
Saved Searches & Exports
Frustrated with continually running the same reports, or remembering all the search filters for your queries? We’ve implemented a highly requested feature into our search area—Saved Search. Now, whenever you visit an advanced search area, look for the drop down of Saved Search that will help deliver your search results quicker and without the guesswork if you’re selecting the correct search criteria. Or, create your own and save your search filters that can be shared with anyone in your organization. We’ve already added a few to get you started. Go try them out!
Combine this with our ‘configure columns’ feature found at the bottom of the grid view to dictate what columns show up in the view and re-order them if you wish. These automatically save, so no need to re-order and configure each time you visit. Then push the new “Export” button in the menu to quickly download a spreadsheet file with all of your report data. Combine this with our current reporting center and you can now easily get all the data you need.
Your queries and reports are now easier to use than ever before!
Another highly requested feature from our users is the ability to process refunds from within the software. Previously, in order for a refund to be processed, the organization had to submit a separate web form, and wait for the refund to be approved causing delays to the donor. Now, simply edit the payment and a refund can be processed with the push of a button. Depending on the type of payment, the refund request can immediately be applied and a refund automatically logged into Greater Giving Online. *Note, certain payments such as cash, check, or Credit Card Online transactions still require further action by the organization. The instructions within the refunds screen will walk you through the steps.
Giving Tuesday
Building a donation page has never been faster or easier. Choose the Giving Tuesday Template from the list of templates to quickly add a donation page to help your organization solicit donations. Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. This year’s Giving Tuesday will be November 29, 2016.
Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.
Online Bidding
With Greater Giving Online Bidding, combine the convenience of an online auction and mobile bidding to produce fundraising events everyone will want to participate in.
Use Online Bidding to host an end of the year online auction, open up your high-profile packages weeks before your gala, or send text message invites to your guests checking in at your golf tournament. The flexibility of this technology allows your organization to reach even more constituents than ever before.
We’ve also added smart filters to easily show currently open packages available for bidding, or ones that are coming soon. Your guests can use these dynamic filters to see packages with no bids, or those that can be sold more than once. The easier your auction is to navigate, the more likely your guests will keep bidding.
The addition of the Greater Giving Account Manager allows your donors to manage their own contact information that can automatically flow into your Greater Giving Supporter database and even store a credit card on file. That means no longer chasing down your supporters for payment after your event and reducing staff time with automatic supporter updates.
Greater Giving is constantly innovating and looking for ways to improve your user experience. We want to hear from you! Be sure to sign up for the Greater Giving Advisory Committee to make sure your voice is heard.
I need to set up an account so I can help with Wine Women and Shoes fundraiser Jan 21 on Sea Island , GA!