As we wrap up 2019 and prepare for 2020 let’s take a look back at some of the articles and topics we covered this year and to take a moment to acknowledge the winners of our Year End / Giving Tuesday template contest!
Each year we have a #GivingTuesday tradition by holding our Online Payments Year End / Giving Tuesday donation page contest for clients using our products to host their donation pages. Greater Giving is committed to helping organizations quickly and easily launch a #GivingTuesday or Year End campaign with our Online Payments template. We were thrilled to share that Match Circles of Chicago of the Greater Capital Region in New York won our $500 prize. We also donated $100 prizes to five runners-up Aspire Chicago, Women’s Lunch Place, The Christmas Box International, Century High School (Bismarck, North Dakota) C-Club.

In addition to the contest, we shared several articles around the theme of ways to raise more at your event:
How to Handle Match Donations for Your Fund-A-Need
Executing a Successful Fund-A-Need Campaign
Create an Inspiring Fund-A-Need Video
Fund-A-Need: How to Choose the Right Need to Fund
We also made sure to talk about the importance of focusing in on donors:
Donor Letter Best Practices: What to Do, and What Not to Do, in a Thank You Letter
Jumpstart Lasting Donor Relationships at Your Annual Event
7 Ways to Thank a Donor Face-to-Face, Without the Ask
Start Selling Tickets NOW to Secure Big Donors
Treating Donors Like People, not Dollars – Guest Post
Courting Committed Donors for your Nonprofit Organization
Targeted Research for Potential Nonprofit Donors
In addition to donors we took a moment to focus on your non-profit board:
Common Nonprofit Board Committees You Need to Know About
A Good Board Chair is Essential to a Well-Functioning Board
How Long Should Board Members Serve
Common Non-profit Board Responsibilities
Is there an Ideal Nonprofit Board Size?
How to Choose the Best Date for Your Annual Benefit Auction [INFOGRAPHIC]
Some of the most popular articles were when we shared fundraising best practices:
10 Tips for Going Green at Your Next Fundraiser
Serving Your Best: Fundraising Event Catering and Bartending Best Practices
5 Problems to Avoid at Check-Out
A 6-Point Checklist for Guest Check-Out
Also, specific topics such as your first fundraiser, school auctions
How Did We Do? Analyzing Results from Your School Auction
Checklists for Your Next School Event Fundraiser Page
How To Set a Procurement Timeline for Your School Auction
Items That Sell Well at School Auctions