Mobile Bidding is a fast growing trend at fundraising auctions and golf events. The feedback from Greater Giving clients has been amazing and organizations are reporting large increases in the total dollars raised during their silent auction, as a result of using mobile bidding. A common question among guests, donors, board members and volunteers is ‘How does Mobile Bidding work”? To help answer this question I created a quick 1min video that looks at this in more detail.
Getting setup on your smartphone can be broken down into three steps after guest check-in:
Step 1 – You will receive a text message on your smartphone
Step 2 – Click on the “Yes” icon below your name
Step 3 – Start bidding
Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
- Your name will appear in the top corner of your phone next to your table number, should your event choose to use table assignments.
- You don’t need to download any sort of app since Greater Giving Mobile Bidding works on your browser.
- Sponsor logos and/or an event logo can also appear on the phone. (In the above video I used a Greater Giving logo in place of a sponsor logo in the top right corner of the phone.)
Also see:
Is mobile bidding an all-or-nothing choice?
i.e., how do paper-and-pen bidder sheets interact with mobile bids? It seems the mobile bidders wouldn’t get updates on anyone physically entering a higher bid on the paper bid sheet, and anyone looking at a paper bid sheet wouldn’t know if a higher mobile bid had been made.
Some folks won’t be comfortable using mobile bidding, so how do we accommodate both?
Eileen – The packages you setup need to be one or the other. If you tried both the paper bid sheet would never be as up to date as the mobile device. If you have a few bidders who you think might not be ready to go mobile you can setup bid helpers or bid assistants. Check out the Greater Giving blog post on the topic. https://blog.greatergiving.com/brand-bid-assistants/
Can you please give us some ideas concerning the costs of your services? Please feel free to email if necessary.
Thank you!
Thanks for commenting Raenelle. I am the Marketing Manager at Greater Giving and I’ll have someone follow-up with you soon!
I have a 3 year contract and want to maximize the use of GG and improve our auction by going to mobile bidding and online silent auction. I need to understand the fee structure for these products.
Mary, thank you so much for reaching out! I’ve forwarded your information onto your Area Representative, who will be in touch shortly. Best of luck! We love mobile bidding.
Cell phone service at our venue is currently poor at best. Is there something we can do so that we can use mobile bidding?
Good question! Cell service at a venue is of course a valid concern. A few customers that we work with have ran into the same issue. We created an article to share some tips on how to make the best of your situation – feel free to review it here https://blog.greatergiving.com/help-my-venue-doesnt-provide-internet-access/