Tailored Reports and Next Year’s Event
So the hurricane that is your annual auction has just ended. Using Greater Giving’s Event Software, this quick list will help you print totals reports for your event director, measure your event against your benchmarks, and create a master list of sales and purchases.
These auction event software reports will also help you start planning for next year. What sold well? What should your procurement team chase after for future auctions?
Auction Event Software Reports to Sum Up Your Event
After your event is over, you’ll definitely want to run a BID-03: Sales Listing by Bidder to have on-hand, for checking who purchased what, or how much an individual bidder spent. Sort buyers by bidder number or last name before you run the report, depending on how you’d like to view your multiple sales (such as raffle tickets, center pieces, or any other package that has multiple buyers).
Also print a PKG-03: Sales Listing by Package with Buyers, and send it over to the folks running item pick-up—they can use this buyer-by-package list to gather and label won items for each bitter in the back room. Check the PKG-03 later to find out which items brought in the most money, and direct your procurement efforts next year.
Always print a PAY-01: Payment List by Bidder to match the check and cash payments in your lock box. After you submit your credit card charges, this report will be your master list of received and processed payments.
And last, but certainly not least, print a SUM-07: Package Sales by Section, Type, and Class report to view your totals (broken down by whatever sections you’ve created—such as Live Auction, Silent Auction and Paddle Raise).
Preparing for Next Year
Now that you have a clear, bird’s eye view of this year, it’s time to start thinking about what worked and what didn’t for next year.
Before you send out your procurement team, run the SUM-08: Sales Totals by Item Category.
This report will detail total sales for each category of items, its value, your profit (based on the cost of the item), and the profit over value ratio (ROI).
This last column, profit over value, tells you how well each of your categories performed. It’s a good indicator of which items were popular with your attendees, and what types of items are worth pursuing and procuring again next year.
And remember, you can always return to your “Organization Home” screen and look under “Organization Reports & Exports” for aggregate reports that compare sponsorship solicitations and sales totals across multiple events—to see what works and what doesn’t, and focus your efforts for next year.