The special appeal is your biggest opportunity to raise funds the day of your event. Do you have a strategy in place for how to execute your special appeal?
In this webinar, we will take a look at the essential components of an effective appeal and delve into how to tell a compelling story to connect donors to your work in a way that will encourage them to give. We will also cover the logistics of an appeal the ensure that you capitalize on the moment and convert that into effective fundraising.
During the webinar, Samantha will cover:
- Effectively tell your story to engage donors
- Place your appeal at the best point in your program to maximize donations
- Leverage challenge gifts or grants
- Identify giving levels
- Prep your speakers
- Set your starting levels
- Work with your emcee and auctioneer for a fantastic appeal
Your Presenter:
Samantha Swaim, Swaim Strategies
With a background in fundraising and development, as well as theatre and television production, Samantha founded Swaim Strategies in 2004 because she believes in the power of bringing people together. By designing events that uniquely fit each organization’s mission, she captures both the fun and the funds. Samantha’s passion is implementing strategy and education to provide nonprofit leaders the tools they need to increase fundraising and reduce workload. As a teacher, her goal is to provide nonprofits with the tactics to yield results and reach goals.