How Greater Giving Auctionpay Streamlines Your Auction’s Check-out
Long check-out lines with manual credit card processing spoil auctions.
Auctionpay terminals, card readers, and mobile card readers streamline the cashiering process at benefit events. Whether you’re holding a gala, auction, luncheon or golf tournament, Auctionpay creates a better event experience for guests, staff, and volunteers.
Long check-outs cause guests to think twice before attending another benefit!
A fantastic benefit event can be spoiled for donors when they are forced to stand in a long check-out line slowed by manual credit card processing. The wait may even cause them to think twice before attending another benefit for that organization. On the organizational side, staff and volunteers, though exhausted from months of event preparation, must take the time to manually reconcile post-event payments and call donors whose credit charge payments were not accepted before they can relax. Auctionpay’s secure credit card terminals or card readers and payment processing can eliminate those issues.
Guests can choose to pre-register their card at check-in and breathe easy for the rest of the evening, knowing that their check-out and item pick-up will be fast and effortless. Staff and volunteers know that adopting an automated form of check-in and check-out tasks allows them to be more welcoming and relaxed with event guests. You can choose between three types of Greater Giving Auctionpay equipment—terminals, credit card readers, or our new mobile card readers. All create a positive first impression and help your organization project a professional image.
Our secured terminals, credit card readers, and mobile card readers, and their payment systems, are designed exclusively for charity auctions. Registration, cashiering and the tedious and lengthy reconciliation processes that go along with a benefit auction are all automated with Auctionpay.
We are having a fundraiser Saturday January 24th and anticipate 250 people. I was wondering if you offer a program
that can help us streamline the check out process. I can be reached at 310/722-8993.
Thank you