You’ve got a big fundraising gala coming up and want to make sure you have dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s.
Organizing a successful benefit auction takes thoughtful planning and dedication. Based on our experience over tens of thousands of events nationwide, we have created this auction planning guide and companion infographic as a tool to help you achieve your event goals.
The downloadable auction planning guide provides an overall timeline, with specific action items for each step in the process, best practice guidelines, tips and tricks, and a section where you can jot down key notes and contact information.

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Note: the infographic uses a non-SSL URL (http://go.greatergiving.com/infographics/fundraising-auction-planner-infographic.png)
» Download The Fundraising Auction Planner Infographic in Printable PDF Layout.
Our church is planning a fundraising auction to be held February 26 2020. As we are inexperienced we are looking for sources of information and advice
Hi Michael,
Feel free to reach out to us- Phone (800) 276-5992, Email sales@greatergiving.com or visit us here to request more information – https://go.greatergiving.com/more_info. Thanks and we are looking forward to speaking with you!