#GivingTuesday was founded in 2012 by New York’s 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation. Together, with a team of influencers and founding partners, they launched a global movement that has engaged organizations worldwide.
Greater Giving is excited to announce our Third Annual Giving Tuesday Donation Page Contest!
If you are using Greater Giving’s Online Payments software for your Giving Tuesday campaign this year, send us a screen shot or URL of your page. Remember: your page must be Giving Tuesday-themed! Here are some examples from 2014 pages made with Greater Giving’s donation page tool. We’ll vote internally and donate:
$500 to the grand winner: whom we will also feature on our blog
$100 to the four runners-up
Submit your Giving Tuesday-themed page (URL) via our Facebook Page, Twitter, or email it to marketing@greatergiving.com by 11/23/15 and we’ll announce the winner and donate to your page on Giving Tuesday (12/1/15).
To find out more about Giving Tuesday and how to use our new Giving Tuesday template, visit our Giving Tuesday site!