The Power of A Thank-A-Thon

The Power of A Thank-A-Thon

Thank-A-Thon: The Power of Saying Thank You to Donors

What is a Thank-A-Thon?

The Thank-A-Thon is the opposite of a fundraising campaign. It’s a dedicated effort to call all your supporters and express sincere gratitude for their contributions. There’s no ask, no sales pitch, just a heartfelt thank you.

Setting Up Your Thank-A-Thon

Choose the Right Time

Schedule your Thank-A-Thon during a slow period in your calendar, away from fundraising events. This ensures your thank you calls come as a surprise and delight your supporters.

Recruit Your Thank-A-Thon Team

Find volunteers with excellent phone presence who enjoy talking to people. Stamina is important as they’ll be making calls for a while. Board members are great choices for this task.

Prepare Your Thank-A-Thon Logistics

Decide whether to set up a phone bank or have volunteers use their cell phones. Provide lunch and create a fun atmosphere to keep volunteers engaged.

Divvying Up Your Thank-A-Thon List
Volunteers in action during a Thank-A-Thon

Create a Comprehensive Call List

Include everyone who has supported your organization:

  • Donors (of all contribution sizes)
  • Past volunteers
  • Partner organizations
  • Sponsors
  • Anyone you’ve wanted to connect with

Distribute the Call List Strategically

Divide the list strategically among your volunteers. You can assign high-profile calls to experienced volunteers or distribute calls based on volunteer stamina.

Create Detailed Call Sheets

For each contact, create a call sheet that includes:

  • Name
  • Spouse’s name (if applicable)
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Number of years of donation
  • Space for notes
  • This is a perfect opportunity to update your database and remove outdated information.

Scripting Your Thank-A-Thon Calls

Develop a Thank You Script

Provide an outline for your volunteers to follow. Consider having slightly different messages for various donor groups. Keep it brief, around 10 seconds. Here’s a basic structure:

  • Thank the person for their support.
  • If a repeat donor, mention the number of years they’ve contributed.
  • Briefly mention what their contribution helped achieve.
  • Wish them well.

See The Perfect Thank You for ideas.

Print Call Scripts with Blanks

Print call scripts for each volunteer with blanks to personalize greetings and mentions of specific contributions.

Following Up After Your Thank-A-Thon

Leave Messages and Send Emails

It’s okay to leave voicemails for unreachable contacts. Always follow up with a thank-you email. Send emails to those you couldn’t reach by phone as well.

Celebrate Your Thank-A-Thon Volunteers

Recognize Your Volunteers’ Efforts

Thank your volunteers for their time and effort. Host a happy hour or contest with prizes to show your appreciation.

Sharing stories from the Thank-A-Thon can further boost morale. Discuss the most unusual or touching responses your volunteers received. These stories become valuable assets for your organization.

Share Your Thank-A-Thon Experience

Developing a culture of gratitude benefits everyone involved. Share your Thank-A-Thon experiences and thoughts in the comments below!


One Response to “The Power of A Thank-A-Thon”

  1. John Chase

    This is so great, love the idea. Something that really stands out is the recommendation on time of year to do it.


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