Is it too early to start planning your Golf Tournament Fundraiser?
Golf tournament fundraisers can help raise money to support programs throughout the year—and these events can be key donor cultivation points. Since most golf courses book events well in advance, it’s never too early to start planning. So, whether you’re planning a golf event for next year or holding one in the next few months, here are some ways you can raise more funds, increase attendance at your event, and make sure everyone who golfs with your organization has a great time.
Your first and foremost task when planning a golf tournament is selecting a location. Here are some things to keep in mind when looking for a course or golf club to host your event:
- Utilize any Board members who have personal relationships with golf clubs. They may already have established ties with club owners, staff, and other golfers who you can recruit as attendees later on.
- Consider holding your fundraiser at an exclusive golf or country club. The “exclusive” factor can draw in event attendees who might otherwise not get to golf at that course.
- Make sure your location can support food and beverage service so golfers don’t have to return to a club or cross the green while in the middle of golfing.
- If you are selling any games, contests, mulligans, or walk-in admissions at your event, choose a golf course where you can set up a generator or route extension cords to your credit card machines.
Revenue Enhancers for golf tournament fundraisers
Always remember that while you are holding a golf tournament, you’re doing so to raise funds for a good cause—let that cause shine and encourage attendees to contribute prior to and throughout the event. Like other team sports, golf provides nonprofits a great opportunity to encourage a little healthy competition among participants (and, as a result, raise more money!).
Start by getting sponsors and committee members involved in recruiting teams for the tournament. Encourage sponsors to come and represent themselves. Procure prizes to award to the winning teams.
In addition to recruiting sponsors and teams, encourage your attendees to give throughout the event by holding contests, raffles, and other games that attendees can purchase. You can even sell games and mulligans in advance using an online registration page.
Last, but certainly not least, make sure that your event is accessible to everyone—and everyone will have a good time. Provide volunteer caddies. Ensure golf carts are available. Give attendees access to plenty of food—and, especially if you are holding your golf tournament fundraisers over the summer, provide golfers and their families plenty of water.
If you do plan to sell games, mulligans, or drinks during your event, Greater Giving provides credit card terminals and card readers, which don’t require a phone line, to process your retail transactions. Make sure to call and schedule your equipment order in advance—and remember to have plenty of extension cords on hand so your golfers can make purchases easily on the green.
Use these golf tournament tips to raise more funds for your organization, increase event attendance, and ensure that all of your attendees have a fabulous time putting on the green!
To find out more about using Greater Giving for your golf fundraiser, visit our golf events page.
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