The post-millennial generation has arrived on the scene, and there’s much for nonprofits to learn about “Generation Z” as they follow millennials into the workforce.
With a drive toward supporting the global community and a life spent fully enveloped in technology, members of Generation Z or “post-millennials” (those born between 1995-2014) are confident early starters who have an eye on individuality and generally follow progressive thinking. So, how can nonprofits court this powerful new demographic? You can start with these nine tips for donor engagement with Generation Z.
Big Dreamers
Members of Generation Z are ready to take on the world! With a degree in hand, an entrepreneurial spirit spurring them on, and a belief that all lanes are free and clear for them to follow their dreams, they view the world as something they can mold into their own utopian vision. Crafting stories that match this worldview is a great tactic to connect with that invincible feeling. Provide them with a positive view of your ultimate goal, backed up by the reality of where we are now and include a place for their involvement.
Believe in Their Donating Power
Millennials have proven they can achieve amazing things early in their careers and post-millennials are ready to pick up that mantle and carry it even further. They fully understand the power of their large demographic and their spending habits has in the marketplace, making it a wise investment to devote special attention to this demographic.
The Early Bird Gets the Donating Dollars
Building relationships early on with post-millennials is the best tactic to get them engaged for a lifetime. Put together a marketing plan for college and university campuses to connect with them at the same time they are examining what their life will look like after school. Getting in front of and connecting with people who are just beginning to set their lifelong spending habits could solidify inclusion of your nonprofit in their overall plan.
Clear, Concise, and Compelling Messaging
Carrying on the penchant for no-nonsense messaging, Generational Z has taken the millennial desire for brief but meaningful information to new heights. They are looking for interesting, progressive marketing campaigns and have a desire for unique stories and visuals, especially video as they continue to refer to websites like YouTube for information.
Open Your Doors to Them
Whether your nonprofit has a brick and mortar home or lives in the cyber world only, a member of Gen Z wants to feel welcome in your community. Make sure your online ads are mobile ready and compatible with the top social media platforms, specifically YouTube, Reddit, and Vine with appropriate links keywords that will place them at the top of search engines.
Encourage Volunteerism
Many of the characteristics belonging to Generation Z are also a natural fit for the altruistic character of nonprofit work. As you tell your nonprofit’s story in marketing pieces and presentations it’s also helpful to include a way for post-millennials to view themselves as an essential part of your mission. You may gain a lifelong donor or dedicated volunteer to add to your team.
Be Tech Ready
Because Gen Z people are true digital natives they are technically savvy and expect others to be as well. Keep the look and functioning of your website ready for their visits, with smooth and safe online donation capabilities and continue to keep your social media accounts active and relevant to their interests. They are especially adept at installing ad blockers and it is wise to regularly examine how effective your online ads are in reaching this group.
Give Sincere Thanks
From Generation Z to Baby Boomers; one staple that is consistent in a nonprofit’s engagement across all generations is a genuine appreciation for the contributions made to their community. Along with the traditional means of communication be sure to reach out to them through the new technologies post-millennials are engaged in and include video messages to keep them hooked.
Keep Your Records Updated
Global borders are becoming more obscure than ever before, and for those who have grown up enveloped in the world wide web those borders are barely visible. They are mobile and ready to explore, so it’s important to update records regularly to stay in touch with them as they find their way around the world before settling down in a specific geographic spot.